The idea of ICEBOY came to life in 2020. Here's the story of how the brand became what it is today. 

The two of us both grew up overseas and moved around the world most of our childhood, but we found a home in each other when we met in the summer of 2016. For several years that followed, we spent many of our days intoxicated rather than sober after going through separate heartbreaks in life. We were just trying to find an escape from reality. We were running in circles and ending up exactly where we started, in a place of pain. Through different but shared experiences, we helped and relied on one another to bring us back to ourselves as opposed to that shell we were living in. 

For a long time, we wanted to be numb to the pain and the feelings. We acted like everything was okay, but deep down we were being pulled apart. That state of existence is what the name ICEBOY means. 

Throughout the years we were always open to talking to one another about what was really going on in each other's lives. Stuff that was too hard to talk about to anyone but we found solace in fighting our demons together. It helped us realize that we weren't alone. Looking back now we both agree that having someone to share that pain with is probably what saved us. We realized that without each other back then, we probably would have still been suffering in silence. A lot of people keep it to themselves because of the stigma around mental health that exists in our society. Every single one of us has demons and understands heartbreak in one form or another. 

We made it our mission to create a brand for everyone, because we in fact are all hurting. A brand that allows you to be you and feel what you're feeling. We want ICEBOY to embody these human experiences that we all share. Let's wear our feelings and create a community to help each other because you are never alone. 


Leo & Kevin